Preparing Your Home for an Inspection

Getting your property geared up for and inspection from a home inspector can be a bit of a mission in its own right. There can be an abundance of things to get done and to think aboutbefore you let the inspector through the door and start looking around your property.

While an inspection can, at first, appear daunting to you, it does not need not be this way, as long as your house is in good condition. If it is you have nothing to worry about. Instead of worrying you should try to just focus on making the entire procedure go through as easily as you can and without any major interruptions to the process.

Easy Inspection

One way, in which you can help the inspection process go as smoothly as is possible, is to not be in your home whilst the inspector is carrying out the inspection. If possible you should arrange to go out for a few hours or so, as, whilst you may want to shadow the inspector, they will not be grateful for it. Leaving your agent to represent you throughout the inspection is good enough.

Try not to view the inspector as an adversary. He or she is just doing their job, one in fact that will give credibility to the estimation and state of your property. They are not on a campaign to find defects in your property and have the price reduced, so try to be as courteous as you can.

Be Prepared

Prior to the inspectors arrival, try to have all available records and other pieces of information that maybe of importance to the inspector. Your realtor will be able to help you highlight what you may need and, if necessary, how to get it. Under no circumstances try to remember of the top of your head when you had something fixed or installed, as this may act against you and cause concern to the potential buyer.

If you had any major alterations carried out, make sure that you have the planning permission slips accessible for the inspector.

Also a good idea is to remove any furniture and other items that maybe blocking any access points that the inspector may wish to look at, such as electrical points etc. Also if you have pets it maybe a good plan to take them for a walk or give them to a friend or relative for the day, so that they don't interfere with the inspection.