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Andrea - November 28th, 2009 4:00 AM

We recently bid on a home that was on the MLS listing but soon found out that the home was in foreclosure. Our realtor claims to know nothing about the bank that owns the home stating that the realtor that has the home listed won't divulge this information. We also have sold our home so will need to be out in the next 45 days or so. Our realtor told us there is nothing we can do to speed up the process and we just have to wait. None of this sounds right to me. We make a bid on a house we assumed was listed by a realtor but its really bank owned and we are at their mercy as far as a time frame? Also, the home was list for $169,000, we offered $155,000 and our realtor said the bank will probably counter at $189,000. This also makes no sense. Why is it listed (still to this day)at a price that is less than the bank is willing to take?


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