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Frances Zwinge - September 19th, 2008 7:50 AM

I recently looked at an REO 10 year old condo, 2-BDR, rn2-BATH, 1,100 sq ft. It was initially listed for $179,900. It is currently listed as $164,900. It needs some TLC, but seems to be in fairly decent shape. It has been on the marked for almost a year. As this is my first experience with regards to a foreclosed property, I need some advice on placing an offer. How much is too low to bid vs. how much is too high to pay.

William - September 19th, 2008 7:51 AM

It all depends on the bank and how much they want to get out from under the unit; really, they are not losing much by owning it, only by selling it, and 50% is quite a loss... You probably won't get them to go under what the last person owed. I would recommend asking what the cost was owed prior to the bank taking back the property, and use that and the local market as your offer grounds.

Remember, each offer you submit costs upwards of $1,000.00 -- if you back out and don't accept their counter offer, you lose that money, so do your research.


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