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Reg - September 23rd, 2004 8:02 PM

I'm selling my house because there is a serious rat problem. Do I have to tell interested buyers about this?

sam - September 23rd, 2004 7:59 PM

Usually during closing you are required to sign a contract that says you have told the buyer about any serious problems with the house. If you sign this and don't tell them about the problem you could end up getting sued in the future.

Jules - September 23rd, 2004 8:01 PM

Keep in mind that before closing papers are signed most buyers will request a full, detailed inspection of the house they are buying. If you don't fess up about the problem they might just find it anyway during the inspection.

earl - September 23rd, 2004 8:02 PM

Get your house fumegated before you let any potential buyers in the door. If you don't you might never be able to sell unless your asking price is seriously low.


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