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Damarys - October 31st, 2008 3:58 PM

I need to know if the bank will be able to refinance my loan due to the appraisal value. My loan is 185k and the appraisal is for 111K. Thanks!

Does it really matter? - December 6th, 2008 3:07 AM

FHA or someone buy it? What the heck does that mean? FHA doesn't buy properties, they insure the loan that you've taken out on it. It's not their responsibility to sell it if you find a fancier homestead to move into. If you want to move, you put your house on the market and look for another. It's your responsibility to sell it if you ever want to see a dime out of it. ...and people wonder why the market is flooded with bad loans....

sa,m - January 10th, 2009 1:36 AM

How to access bank own houses?


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